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It is not that people do not have potential, it’s that they do not have a strategy. It’s important to develop a plan with how to govern your household, your family, and your career. You need a Strategy. The Linemen Men’s Mentoring Network is where you gather with our brothers really develop a plan of attack with a coach to walk you through this process. Cornelius Lindsey has developed a plan for 6 different areas that individuals, men, need help cultivating. Cornelius will help you come up with a strategical plan to overcome and flourish, build and leave a lasting legacy! We are only accepting 16 men for the first semester so get your applications in early! The first semester will begin on April 19. Don’t worry, if you do not make it into the first semester, the second semester will start on June 7! Click the link to Register now! Below are some ways that Cornelius can help you dig deep and discover more:
1. Craft personal Identity Statement. This statement helps center the man’s ultimate vision for his life and becomes the bridge between who he is and who is becoming. This statement is important and establishes his uniqueness.
2. Discuss Personal Values. Your values can direct and guide your decisions. They help you remain focused and reject anything that goes against who and what you stand for. Every man must identify and clearly state his values.
3. Draft Mission and Vision Statements. Your vision statement is the abstract of declaration of what you desire to accomplish in the future. Your mission statement is the declarative statement that tells everyone how you plan to achieve the vision. The mission and vision statement must be aligned, and they must speak to each other. Cornelius will help you draft those statements.
4. Create SMART Goals. You need goals that are specific, measurable, realistic and timestamped. Cornelius will help you create SMART goals that are specific to your identity, mission and vision statement.
5. Perform a GAP Analysis. It’s important to identify the gaps between where you are and where you plan to go. Cornelius will help you identify what stands between you and your goals so you can prepare for them instead of just having them happen. This analysis is essential to your overall plan because it’s better to be prepared for what could happen.