“Prayer has the power to inspire Holy Living; conversely, Holy Living is the power that inspires Prayer.”

-Pastor Cornelius Lindsey

The Gathering Oasis Church, which is located in the suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia, has a mission of GATHERing people to together to GROW in God's Word and be changed through Christ-centered messages so they can GO into all the world to fulfill the Great Commission. Cornelius Lindsey serves as the Senior Pastor and Solomon Jordan as the Executive Pastor. If you want to visit the church, visit: www.thegatheringoasis.com

Services are held at The Galloway School, which is located at 215 W Wieuca Rd NW, Atlanta, GA 30342.

Service times are Sunday's at 9:30am & 11:30am


There is one all knowing, all powerful God; existing in three persons (the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost) and present everywhere. (Matthew 19:26 &Mark 14:36).

Jesus is fully man and fully God, and in His person He is the perfect expression of God’s love for me. (John 1:1). 

God desires a personal relationship with me, and by His grace through Jesus Christ I am set free from the bondage of sin. (Ephesians 2:4-10). 

The Holy Bible is God’s word personally spoken by God. It is for mankind and the purpose of revealing who He is. It is without error in all issues to which it speaks.

The death of Jesus on the Cross provided complete atonement for all the sins of the world, cleansing those who choose to be cleansed from their sin; allowing them to receive the Holy Spirit. By receiving the Holy Spirit they become “born again”, and by being “born again” they become children of God. Jesus is currently seated in Majesty, Power and Authority alongside the Father and He is now accessible to us in both Prayer and Fellowship.